Kerrison Road Wetland Restoration Project

The Town of Ajax, in partnership with the Region of Durham, Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) have completed the Kerrison Wetland Restoration Project and associated Carruthers Creek Trail re-alignment and reconstruction. Ongoing monitoring, invasive species management, and native tree/shrub planting will continue to occur throughout 2023 and beyond.
The restoration project created and expanded marsh and swamp wetland habitat, decommissioned two old farm ponds and associated infrastructure, restored and stabilized stream bank erosion, re-aligned and reconstructed the Carruthers Creek multi-use trail, and managed populations of invasive species. Thousands of native trees and shrubs were planted throughout the restoration area to improve biodiversity, increase natural cover and habitat for local wildlife, and enhance the greenspace for the community.
Tree fencing has been installed around the new planting areas to deter deer browsing and allow the new plantings to establish and grow. Ongoing invasive species management and native tree/shrub plantings will occur in 2023 and beyond.
For more information please contact:
Clifton Coppolino, Senior Project Manager, TRCA
416-661-6600 ext. 5772
Cameron Richardson, Supervisor of Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, Town of Ajax
905-619-2529 ext. 3229
Please submit all your questions here. Questions will be answered by Cameron Richardson, Supervisor of Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change.
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