Green Development and Environmental Design Guidelines

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GreenDevelopment & Environmental Design Guidelines

Project Overview

To help create a more sustainable and resilient Ajax, the Town is developing the Green Development and Environmental Design Guidelines (GDEDG), including applicant guidebook and checklist tool. The GDEDG will be vital in addressing the climate change emergency(External link) and substantially reducing GHG emissions in the Town of Ajax.

How will the guidelines work?

  • The guidelines provide sustainability-related design best practices and performance measures for new development and redevelopment within the Town of Ajax.
  • The guidelines are designed to assist the Town in evaluating development applications through the lens of sustainability and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • All new Site Plan and/or Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted to the Town will be required to review the guidelines, applicant guidebook and complete the checklist.

The GDEDG was completed in three phases: background research and analysis, consultation and final guidelines.

The GDEDG was approved by Council in April 2022.

Get Involved!

Help shape TOA’s Green Development and Environmental Design Guidelines. Feedback is accepted until January 31, 2022, all feedback received will be reviewed and incorporated in to the final guidelines as appropriate.

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Project Overview

To help create a more sustainable and resilient Ajax, the Town is developing the Green Development and Environmental Design Guidelines (GDEDG), including applicant guidebook and checklist tool. The GDEDG will be vital in addressing the climate change emergency(External link) and substantially reducing GHG emissions in the Town of Ajax.

How will the guidelines work?

  • The guidelines provide sustainability-related design best practices and performance measures for new development and redevelopment within the Town of Ajax.
  • The guidelines are designed to assist the Town in evaluating development applications through the lens of sustainability and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • All new Site Plan and/or Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted to the Town will be required to review the guidelines, applicant guidebook and complete the checklist.

The GDEDG was completed in three phases: background research and analysis, consultation and final guidelines.

The GDEDG was approved by Council in April 2022.

Get Involved!

Help shape TOA’s Green Development and Environmental Design Guidelines. Feedback is accepted until January 31, 2022, all feedback received will be reviewed and incorporated in to the final guidelines as appropriate.

If you would like to receive further notification on information related to this project, please click Follow Project on the right sidebar.


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Page last updated: 05 Apr 2022, 03:56 PM