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What are discounted facility rentals?
Discounted facility rentals refer to the rental of Town facilities, that are ordinarily permitted, at a discounted rate.
This form does not apply to sport user groups or organizations seeking discounted facilities and amenity rentals.
How does it work?
Applicants submit their proposal to the Town through our online form on the Town of Ajax Grant Platform (External link)and are evaluated against a set of criteria to ensure the event or proposal meets the requirements of the program.
To have a proposal considered, all applicants must meet at least 3 of the following 4 criteria:
Are located in the Town of Ajax or provide services to residents of Ajax;
Offer significant benefits to the community at-large;
Are accessible and welcoming to the public;
Provide meaningful avenues for recognition of, and partnership with, the Town of Ajax;
Applicants are not eligible if they are affiliated with organizations that do not align with Town values or are otherwise ineligible (political parties, etc.).
The Town may provide a 50% discount* if the application meets 3 of the 4 criteria above andthe application does not include or allow for a meaningful partnership with the Town of Ajax.
If the request does allow for a meaningful partnership with the Town of Ajax, the Town may waive the full cost of the rental fees*.
*fees do not include certain other charges, including but not limited to SOCAN fees and insurance costs.
Applications that are successful are not guaranteed any dates/times/locations and remain subject to the relevant by-laws, terms, and conditions.
Any changes in date/time/location shall require an approved permit agreed to in writing by the Town and re subject to feasibility and availability of resources.
Any changes to the material purpose, scope or intent of an event will result in cancellation of the permit and require a new application to be submitted by the applicant.
Who can apply?
Charities, community organizations, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations as well as unorganized groups may apply for discounted facility support.
Proposals must meet several criteria as determined by the Town to be considered. Support is not guaranteed even if the requirements are met.
How do I apply?
Applications are available on the Town of Ajax Grant Platform(External link). Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed in the order they are received.
Discounted facility rentals refer to the rental of Town facilities, that are ordinarily permitted, at a discounted rate.
This form does not apply to sport user groups or organizations seeking discounted facilities and amenity rentals.
How does it work?
Applicants submit their proposal to the Town through our online form on the Town of Ajax Grant Platform (External link)and are evaluated against a set of criteria to ensure the event or proposal meets the requirements of the program.
To have a proposal considered, all applicants must meet at least 3 of the following 4 criteria:
Are located in the Town of Ajax or provide services to residents of Ajax;
Offer significant benefits to the community at-large;
Are accessible and welcoming to the public;
Provide meaningful avenues for recognition of, and partnership with, the Town of Ajax;
Applicants are not eligible if they are affiliated with organizations that do not align with Town values or are otherwise ineligible (political parties, etc.).
The Town may provide a 50% discount* if the application meets 3 of the 4 criteria above andthe application does not include or allow for a meaningful partnership with the Town of Ajax.
If the request does allow for a meaningful partnership with the Town of Ajax, the Town may waive the full cost of the rental fees*.
*fees do not include certain other charges, including but not limited to SOCAN fees and insurance costs.
Applications that are successful are not guaranteed any dates/times/locations and remain subject to the relevant by-laws, terms, and conditions.
Any changes in date/time/location shall require an approved permit agreed to in writing by the Town and re subject to feasibility and availability of resources.
Any changes to the material purpose, scope or intent of an event will result in cancellation of the permit and require a new application to be submitted by the applicant.
Who can apply?
Charities, community organizations, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations as well as unorganized groups may apply for discounted facility support.
Proposals must meet several criteria as determined by the Town to be considered. Support is not guaranteed even if the requirements are met.
How do I apply?
Applications are available on the Town of Ajax Grant Platform(External link). Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed in the order they are received.